Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I spent Halloween night at a friend's house in La Canada. Each year, the city blocks off their street to vehicle traffic, so it has become THE place for trick-or-treaters to do their thing. Houses are covered with lights and decorations as if it were Christmas, only with Halloween themes. We had a full-blown tailgate party in the front yard with pizza, wine, and champagne while giving out candy.

These people were hardcore. They had someone as the designated counter, with an actual clicker to keep track of how many trick-or-treaters came by. (We couldn't simply count candy, because we gave out "bonus" treats to extra-cute kids.) The official count for the night? 1,726. That's right, more than seventeen-HUNDRED kids came by. It was insane at times; there would be a line of 20 or 30 kids going all the way down the sidewalk.

We almost ran out of candy. Around 8:00, one of the parents had to bargain with her son to take some of his candy out of his bag so we could re-gift it. I don't know what kind of deal he got, but he was definitely in the driver's seat for those negotiations. We also dug into our private party stash as well, and we made it to 9:00.

The Halloween spirit is alive and well... and it's on Indianola Way.

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